Zombi 2 (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) Two questions: 1) Do you love Zombie movies? 2) Have you seen Lucio Fulci’s 1979 film Zombi 2? If your… Continue reading “Zombi 2 (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
Crimson Peak (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) The fact that Crimson Peak, Guillermo Del Toro’s wonderful new film, is only getting mixed or grudgingly positive reviews tells… Continue reading “Crimson Peak (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
The Green Inferno (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) AGCK! Seriously, it’s hard for me to think of any recent film that has made me cringe as much as… Continue reading “The Green Inferno (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
The Lazarus Effect (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) I finally saw The Lazarus Effect and … bleh, who cares? You may remember that the Lazarus Effect came out… Continue reading “The Lazarus Effect (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
Subject 0: Shattered Memories I recently had the chance to watch Subject 0: Shattered Memories, the feature-length debut of director Tiziano Cella. Subject 0… Continue reading “Subject 0: Shattered Memories”…
The Gallows (Reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) The new horror film The Gallows is pretty dire. It’s boring, it’s forgettable, and – worst of all – it’s… Continue reading “The Gallows (Reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
Evil Souls (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) If I had to describe the British horror film Evil Souls using only one word, that word would be “intense.”… Continue reading “Evil Souls (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
No Podrás Dormir Esta Noche (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) Last night, I watched the first two episodes of No Podrás Dormir Esta Noche, a new horror-themed web series. And I… Continue reading “No Podrás Dormir Esta Noche (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
Satan’s Coming For You (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) This weekend, I viewed a 20 minute short film called Satan’s Coming For You and wow, is it ever disturbing.… Continue reading “Satan’s Coming For You (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
Three Films From Jeremiah Kipp: Berenice, Minions, and Painkiller (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) I recently had the chance to view three short horror films that were directed by Jeremiah Kipp. Before I get into… Continue reading “Three Films From Jeremiah Kipp: Berenice, Minions, and Painkiller (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…