Night Slaves (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) Clay Howard (James Franciscus) hasn’t been the same since he survived a catastrophic car accident. As a result of his… Continue reading “Night Slaves (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
I Was A Teenage Frankenstein (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) “I was a teenage Frankenstein!” “Of course you were, dear.” This 1957 film tells the story of Professor Frankenstein (Whit… Continue reading “I Was A Teenage Frankenstein (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
I Was A Teenage Werewolf (Reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) Tony Rivers (Michael Landon), the lead character in 1957’s I Was A Teenage Werewolf, is a teenager. In fact, he’s… Continue reading “I Was A Teenage Werewolf (Reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
House of Dark Shadows (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) There’s a lot that you can say about this vampire film from 1970 but I think it can all be… Continue reading “House of Dark Shadows (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
Lisa (Reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) I recently watched Lisa, a horror/thriller hybrid from 1990. Can you guess why? Now, there are a number of possible… Continue reading “Lisa (Reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
The Amazing Mr. X (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) A woman named Christine (Lyn Bari) walks along the beach when she thinks that she hears the voice of her… Continue reading “The Amazing Mr. X (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
How To Make A Monster (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) How do you make a monster? According to this 1958 film, the man to ask is Pete Dumond! As played… Continue reading “How To Make A Monster (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
Robot Monster (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) If you’re a fan of old horror and science fiction movies, you can probably imagine all sorts of different types… Continue reading “Robot Monster (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
The Brood (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. With glowing hearts we see… Continue reading “The Brood (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…
The Amityville Horror (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman) Based on a true story! (Or maybe not. Actually, probably not…) This 1979 film tells the story of George and… Continue reading “The Amityville Horror (reviewed by Lisa Marie Bowman)”…